"Upgraded from a Goon to a Boss" tells the story of Kamesha Slaughter, a smart and sexy businesswoman trapped in an abusive marriage with her kingpin husband, Brick. Behind the facade of a perfect life, Mesha reaches her breaking point and embarks on a secret affair with the charming Jhuryl. As her clandestine relationship escalates, Mesha fears the repercussions if Brick discovers her betrayal. Meanwhile, Brick struggles with his own infidelities and the strain they place on his marriage. Both harbor secrets that threaten to destroy the life they've built together.
Explore the gripping tale of power, betrayal, and survival in "Upgraded from a Goon to a Boss." Witness the unfolding drama as Mesha and Brick's secrets come to light, shaking the foundation of their lives. Will they find a way to overcome their challenges, or will their deceit lead to their downfall? Buy this intense urban fiction novel on Amazon and uncover the fate of their tumultuous relationship.
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